To complete a tutorial, please download the powerpoint file and view the slides in the presentation mode. Make sure the sound of your device is activated as an audio track will guide you through the tutorial. The tutorials are organized in four topics:

  • First steps: section dedicated to the creation of a Wikidata account, to the individualization of your account with gadgets facilitating the editing
  • Editing: tutorials explaining how to edit different information such as postal address, website, number of annual visitors or person at the head of your institution
  • Link to other Wikimedia platforms: section explaining the links between Wikidata and platforms such as Wikipedia or Wikimedia Commons
  • SPARQL queries: tutorials showing and explaining how to make SPARQL queries on Wikidata

The tutorials appear in the menu on the left. If one of the topics does not appear, it means that there is no tutorial available in your language in that category yet.